Causes and Consequences of Deforestation in Essera District, Dawro Zone South-Western Ethiopia
Deforestation, degradation, Essera, forestAbstract
Deforestation is disturbing the strength and distribution of forests. The study was conducted to identify the causes of deforestation and its consequences on communities of Essera district. The cross-sectional survey design with the application of both qualitative and quantitative approaches was employed. A multistage sampling design was applied, which means combining different approaches like purposive, stratified, and simple random sampling procedures to select the study area and sample households. The result was obtained from both secondary and primary sources of data focusing on both qualitative and quantitative natures. A huge amount (48) 80% of respondents prepare the land by slash and burn, 13.33% or 8 of the respondents prepare the land by ecological farming whereas 4 of the respondents prepare the land by tillage. The farming ways usually affect the size of the land on which one undertakes his or her activities. Firewood collection was the major destructive activity, because, the local people depend on the natural forest as a source of fuel energy for household consumption and sale. In addition, the discussants bitterly objected to the destined robbery of the forest timber products as destructive activity. Some farmers organized at the micro level to acquire lands for the cultivation of cash crops such as chat, sesame, and eucalyptus trees. Firewood collection and preparation of land by burning contributes highly to deforestation. Integrated activities like financial support for scientific aid and serious planning data to state and local governments from agencies responsible for climate, weather, and risk mitigation are recommended.
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