Reference and citations style
Dear All
This is to inform you that from 01 September 2022 we use APA 7th for citations and References style. Meanwhile, the Conclusion part has been removed from the manuscript structure.
Peer-review process
SRLS employs a double-blind peer-review process, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.
Editors are responsible for assigning submitted papers to external reviewers who have expertise in the field and have published related works.
A minimum of two reviews is required to complete the review process. However, in many instances, SRLS seeks feedback from more than two reviewers to enhance the quality of the manuscript.
Editors will inform the Editor-in-Chief of their decision, which can be one of the following: Acceptance, Acceptance with Minor Changes, Acceptance with Major Changes, or Declined Submission.
The Editor-in-Chief will then communicate this decision, along with the reviewers' comments, to the corresponding author.
Author Responses and Revisions:
The corresponding author is expected to share the editorial decision and reviewers' comments with all co-authors.
The authors must submit a revised version of the manuscript, along with a document labeled 'Response to the Reviewers' Comments,' within the specified timeframe.
Editor's Assessment and Final Decision:
The editor reviews the responses and changes provided by the authors, examining them point by point.
Depending on the revisions, the editor may decide to send the corrected version back to the same reviewers for a final check or involve new reviewers as necessary.
After this thorough review and assessment, the editor makes a final decision on the paper, which can be one of the following: Acceptance, Decline Submission, or Suggesting Further Corrections by the Authors.
Editor-in-Chief's Role:
The Editor-in-Chief assumes the primary responsibility for determining which manuscripts will be published in the journal.
This decision is based on the validation of the research's quality, its significance to researchers and readers, the input from the reviewers, and compliance with legal requirements related to issues like libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief may consult with other editors or reviewers when making this crucial decision.
ISSN: 2718-1014
Dear All
This is to inform you that from 01 September 2022 we use APA 7th for citations and References style. Meanwhile, the Conclusion part has been removed from the manuscript structure.
The journal is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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ISSN: 2718-1014
Publisher: Biodiversity Conservation Society’s (BCS)